Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Memorial Day Poem

Thank you to Sahil Suresh for sending us this poem! Leave your comments below.

Stop and Think

A Memorial Day Poem by Sahil Suresh

Imagine you were outside playing with your friends on May 25,
Take a moment to stop and think on those who helped to make America what it is now,
Memorial Day is the time of the year when we recognize the superior deeds the U.S. Army did for our country,
It’s the time of the year when we realize who were the people that fought for our country,
The people that risk their lives,
Just to protect our country,
The U.S. Army defends our country no matter what,
They are the true audacious and fearless heroes in our life,
Memorial Day is a day not only dedicated to those war heroes,
Such as Grant or Washington,
But to those soldiers whose names are unheard of,
Memorial Day is the day when we identify those soldiers who died,
And let them know that there death wasn’t in vain,
Because these soldiers died for our country,
They molded America into what it is now,
Memorial Day is the day we acknowledge the people that serve our country,
To those who are currently serving our country,
Or to those served our country at one point,
Memorial Day is when we recognize these people,
We acknowledge them not only for the excellent deeds they have done for our country,
But for their Bravery and Courage,
So next time it’s Memorial Day,
Stop and think,
On those that helped to make America what it is now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This is a pretty cool video....

Now, keep in mind, the following e-video is from a book publishing company, but the statistics are a good thing to show parents who may not totally be sold on the idea of graphic novels. What do you think?

Making of a Graphic Novel from Capstone Publishers on Vimeo.

Monday, May 04, 2009


Keep voting and telling your friends to watch the show - but great job in already voting over 35 times in a matter of days!
