Monday, November 29, 2010

Donate a Gift to SYFS

SPLAT will be collecting non-violent gifts at the library to donate to Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services. If you are able, bring a gift to the library clearly marked 'SPLAT' so they will get to the right place (these gifts don't go in the Toys for Tots bins). If we get 50 donated gifts before December 10th, a special $50 GameStop giftcard will be added to the gift swap at the upcoming Holiday Party (Dec. 23rd a the library - register now!). Show your support of those in need this holiday season!

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The SPLAT Election!

The election is coming!

I am pleased to announce that we have three very qualified and exceptional candidates who submitted their forms on time in the race for SPLAT president. As previously announced at the last SPLAT meeting, there will be the first and only debate this FRIDAY at 4PM. Come out and show your support for the candidates, and if you’re undecided, learn from them first hand what they have planned in the important role. I am very pleased and relieved at the caliber of the candidates running. I can say honestly that I would be pleased to see any one of the three win. They are all dedicated and able to do the job, and I am certain whoever wins will make a huge positive impact on the Young Adult Department at the SPL.

Here are the candidates and the schedule for the election events.


P________, Anjali – Grade 10 – She describes herself as “organized” and “hardworking.”

R______, Afsha – Grade 9 – She describes herself as “responsible” and “reliable.”

S____, Aditi – Grade 8 – She describes herself as “leader” and “confident.”



Friday, October 22nd at 4PM SPLAT Debate and ALL GROUPS Meeting

This event will be open to families as well as SPLAT members. The three SPLAT presidential candidates will discuss why they should earn your votes in November. We will also have a brief all groups meeting where we will announce a new volunteer program for SPLAT members. If there was ever a meeting NOT to miss, this would be it!! Again, bring your friends!

Tuesday, November 2ndVOTING (Drop in anytime from 2:30PM-6PM)

Anyone in grades 5-12 with a valid Shrewsbury Public Library card will be able to vote for the FIRST EVER SPLAT PRESIDENT! The candidates will be on the ballot along with other state and local races. Ballots will be anonymous, but voters may only cast their ballot one time. And then make sure you come to…

Tuesday, November 2nd from 6PM-8PM THE ELECTION RESULTS PARTY!

Gather around to eat snacks and eagerly await the election results. We will have local election results playing on a television and make the announcement of who the SPLAT president is as soon as the votes are tallied. This event is open to all SPLAT members and their families. The winning candidate will also deliver a short acceptance speech.

All right! That’s quite the update – I really hope it gets to everyone this time!!

Any questions? E-mail me at (Don’t reply to this e-mail, it doesn’t work!)


Dan Barbour

Young Adult Librarian

Shrewsbury Public Library

Friday, August 27, 2010


Sorry it's been so long for a post. A busy summer is going to be my excuse! I do keep up with the e-mail list though, which you should sign up for to get all the latest "breaking YA news"! Here are the upcoming meetings:

Monday, July 26, 2010

There is a Bird in the Library!

Took a photo of a bird that is in the library! Oddly enough, it was in the people-watching section.

(Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Next Meeting - Focus on New Members!

Hey everyone! After a great story in the Telegram and Gazette, I think we should focus our next meeting (Friday, June 25th at 4PM) on welcoming any new members. The story will most likely attract interest from a different circle of people, and that is awesome! So spread the word - we'll have a normal meeting, but invite any friends who've been asking or might be interested. If you haven't seen the story yet, click here - it's really great and I thank all of you who participated in being interviewed!

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian/Volunteer Coordinator

Monday, May 24, 2010



Hey everyone! Mark your calendars! We're going to have a pizza party! Almost every YA event (or almost every library event for that matter) is free, but this one is a little different! We need you to get your families to eat at Papa Gino's for dinner on Thursday, June 17th. Either pick up a specially marked bookmark at the library, or print out the ENLARGED (click it) picture above, bring it to the WHITE CITY Papa Gino's, and they will donate 20% off all you spend to SPLAT!! It's so cool - you get to eat great pizza, pasta, etc., and we get some of the dough (I know, that's cheesy.....OH, I did it again!!)! If you don't want to eat in, that's fine - this counts towards carryout as well (just not delivery). Even consider buying extra food so you have it for the rest of that week. It's a great way to celebrate only having one day of school left!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Take The Survey!

Hey all! Your parents probably got a survey in the mail, but guess what - you're not left out! If you are in grades 5-12, take this survey:

It will really help with SPLAT - which is quickly evolving from good to great!

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian
Shrewsbury Public Library

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pic of the Week

Hey all! Not much time for updating - so busy - but I just wanted to post this pic of just some of our hard-working volunteers at the SPLAT table! Peace!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Updates! Updates! Updates!

National Library Week is Coming!
National Library Week (NLW) is right around the corner - April 11th-17th. For this event week, the Shrewsbury Public Library will be doing quite a few special things - and SPLAT is going to be a part of it. Each day SPLAT will have a table in the lobby featuring giveaways and information on SPLAT. One thing we'll be giving away is "I Love My Library" bumper stickers to patrons of all ages! It will be a blast, but I need help - I need volunteers to sit at the booth each afternoon to help promote SPLAT. It will be fun, and everyone who volunteers will be entered in a raffle to win a great prize! I need at least two people at each slot, and you can sign up for more than one time. Every slot you take will earn you one raffle ticket for the prize.

E-mail to sign up for one of the following slots:

Monday 4PM-6PM
Tuesday 4PM-6PM
Wednesday 4PM-6PM
Thursday 3PM-5PM
Friday 3PM-5PM
Saturday 1PM-3PM

You do not have to be an active SPLAT member to help, but you do need to be in grades 5-12. Basically that means if you are a member and want to invite friends to sit with you, feel free!!

"I Love My Library" Youtube Video Contest

If you're in grades 5-12 and live in Shrewsbury, you can enter the "I Love My Library" video contest. The rules are simple - create a video no longer than three minutes long describing why you love your library. You can use a home video camera, web-cam, or any other recording device you have to put something together. You can be funny, serious, crazy...whatever, just remember library staff will vote on their favorite video. If we get at least ten entries, the winning entry will receive....wait for it.... a $50 giftcard to Regal Cinemas sponsored by Fidelity Investments of Shrewsbury! Again, we must receive at least ten qualifying entries for the contest to be held at all, so spread the word. Once you have made your video, you just have to upload it to YouTube, and e-mail the link to me ( along with your name, grade, and phone number. If you have any other questions, just let me know. Submissions are due no later than Sunday, April 11th at midnight.

Summer Reading Kickoff

The summer reading kickoff event is coming this June, and we're having a carnival of sorts in our large meeting room to get things going! We need SPLAT members who can either face paint or come dressed as clowns to help add to the event! If you can help, e-mail me ( Thanks!

Other Event Reminders:
3-Hour Writing Competition - Thursday, April 22nd from 11AM-2PM (Vacation Week) Slots almost full.
Mario Kart Tournament - Friday, April 23rd at 1:30PM (Vacation Week!)

Basket Raffle Update: $205 (raised since 3/11 - $995 to go!)

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian
Shrewsbury Public Library

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Follow Us on Facebook

Hi there! SPLAT is now on Facebook - be sure to find us. We're a group - you can find us most easily by searching: "Shrewsbury Public Library: SPLAT" I wish it were easier, but I cannot figure out how to link it up. If you know, pass along the tip!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


So I wanted to let all of you know that we have to postpone next week's session of the Teen Book Club for 8-12th graders. Our first selection will still be "In the Path of Falling Objects" by Andrew Smith. It was originally scheduled for March 9th at 4:30PM, but has to be delayed because of an issue with our newsletter. Originally, our newsletter (with info on the book group) was to go out two weeks ago, giving people plenty of time to read the book. Due to a printing delay, the newsletter won't be to homes until next week, so the better part of the Shrewsbury population would have no idea about the group even happening, let alone have time to read the book in time. I will e-mail you all with the new date once it's scheduled.

Here is the upcoming meeting schedule for SPLAT (grades 5-12) - hope to see you all there - whether it is your first time or a repeat visit - and remember, all meetings are 45-minutes or less unless otherwise posted:

Monday, March 8th at 4PM - Ordering Team
Attend this meeting if you have suggestions for items to add to the YA collection.

Thursday, March 11th at 4PM - Fund-raising Team
Attend this meeting if you want to help develop strategies for raising money for SPLAT. If you're not familiar, SPLAT has NO BUDGET, but instead raises all of the money for programs and prizes through various fund-raising approaches.

Friday, March 12th, at 4PM - Events Team
At all of the group meetings, we talk about events. The Events Team is there to actually execute the ideas and develop new ones.

Friday, March 19th, at 4PM - All Groups/New Members
This is our regularly schedule monthly session. There will be a game and a prize, as well as updates from all of the teams. Great for new members and/or people looking to get volunteer hours!

If you're not already signed up for our e-mail newsletter, follow these instructions:

1. Visit this link:

2. On the right side of the page, a little ways down, you will see a box with the words "E-Mail List" - click on it.

3. Now, enter your e-mail address and your name, and BE SURE TO CHECK OFF THE "Library Young Adult News" BOX about half way down the page! If you don't check off this little box, you won't get the e-mails!

4. Click the "Sign-Up" tab at the bottom and you'll be all set once you confirm your e-mail address. (You'll get an e-mail from lib-ya)

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian/Volunteer Coordinator
Shrewsbury Public Library

Monday, February 01, 2010

Exciting Event Notice

As stated previously, checking this blog gives you the most up to date information on events. That being said, click the link below to be one of the first to find out about an exciting week of events coming up this Spring....and maybe you'll even get something free out of it!!

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian

Monday, January 25, 2010

You're Invited!

We're now taking registrations for the second Youth Trivia Showdown. Whether you know the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song, can name all of President Obama's staff, or can list off the starting lineup for the Boston Red Sox, chances are you'll get to show off what you're best at during this event!

Like last time, we will be providing free pizza courtesy of Dunkin Donuts of Shrewsbury, and everyone in attendance will get a prize of some sort - with the winner taking home another really great mystery item!

The event will be held on Friday, February 19th, at 6:30PM. Registering in advance is required as we are hoping to know how much pizza to buy. You can call 508-842-0081 ext 5 to register. If you get my voicemail, just leave your NAME, GRADE, PHONE NUMBER (in case of bad weather) and TOWN (This is an open event - meaning even if you don't live in Shrewsbury you can attend!).

Look forward to seeing you all then!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Event!

In celebration of the release of film adaptation of "The Lightning Thief", the Shrewsbury Public Library will be holding a mythology themed scavenger hunt event for teams comprised of parents and children. Grades 3 and up are invited to compete for prizes including movie passes and books from the bestselling series by Rick Riordan. The event is sponsored by Dunkin' Donuts of Shrewsbury, and registration is required.

Event Date: Friday, February 5th
Event Time: 6:30PM-8:00PM
Register: Visit or call the Children's Room - space is extremely limited. 508-842-0081 x. 4

Monday, January 04, 2010

Writing Competition Winners

All right folks - here it is - the announcement of the 2009 Teen Writing Competition results. We were waiting to post the winners until they were notified, and now that we've let the lucky/talented writers know, here they are:

The Flaming City
by Jack McShane

Second place:
The Book Without a Title
by Nicholas Esposito

Third Place:
The Mysterious Library
by Jackie Sullivan

If you are one of the three people above, e-mail your story so I can post it on the blog!! Thank you to the judges and to all that entered. Important note for next year: FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. Many entries had to be disqualified for not following the rules as explained on the entry form. If you're planning on submitting a story next year, follow the rules or your work will not even get in the hands of the judges!! That being said, we still received a huge amount of qualified entries, and are thoroughly impressed with the talent that young writers of Shrewsbury have!