Tuesday, March 02, 2010


So I wanted to let all of you know that we have to postpone next week's session of the Teen Book Club for 8-12th graders. Our first selection will still be "In the Path of Falling Objects" by Andrew Smith. It was originally scheduled for March 9th at 4:30PM, but has to be delayed because of an issue with our newsletter. Originally, our newsletter (with info on the book group) was to go out two weeks ago, giving people plenty of time to read the book. Due to a printing delay, the newsletter won't be to homes until next week, so the better part of the Shrewsbury population would have no idea about the group even happening, let alone have time to read the book in time. I will e-mail you all with the new date once it's scheduled.

Here is the upcoming meeting schedule for SPLAT (grades 5-12) - hope to see you all there - whether it is your first time or a repeat visit - and remember, all meetings are 45-minutes or less unless otherwise posted:

Monday, March 8th at 4PM - Ordering Team
Attend this meeting if you have suggestions for items to add to the YA collection.

Thursday, March 11th at 4PM - Fund-raising Team
Attend this meeting if you want to help develop strategies for raising money for SPLAT. If you're not familiar, SPLAT has NO BUDGET, but instead raises all of the money for programs and prizes through various fund-raising approaches.

Friday, March 12th, at 4PM - Events Team
At all of the group meetings, we talk about events. The Events Team is there to actually execute the ideas and develop new ones.

Friday, March 19th, at 4PM - All Groups/New Members
This is our regularly schedule monthly session. There will be a game and a prize, as well as updates from all of the teams. Great for new members and/or people looking to get volunteer hours!

If you're not already signed up for our e-mail newsletter, follow these instructions:

1. Visit this link: http://www.shrewsbury-ma.gov/library

2. On the right side of the page, a little ways down, you will see a box with the words "E-Mail List" - click on it.

3. Now, enter your e-mail address and your name, and BE SURE TO CHECK OFF THE "Library Young Adult News" BOX about half way down the page! If you don't check off this little box, you won't get the e-mails!

4. Click the "Sign-Up" tab at the bottom and you'll be all set once you confirm your e-mail address. (You'll get an e-mail from lib-ya)

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian/Volunteer Coordinator
Shrewsbury Public Library

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is exact