Monday, January 25, 2010

You're Invited!

We're now taking registrations for the second Youth Trivia Showdown. Whether you know the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song, can name all of President Obama's staff, or can list off the starting lineup for the Boston Red Sox, chances are you'll get to show off what you're best at during this event!

Like last time, we will be providing free pizza courtesy of Dunkin Donuts of Shrewsbury, and everyone in attendance will get a prize of some sort - with the winner taking home another really great mystery item!

The event will be held on Friday, February 19th, at 6:30PM. Registering in advance is required as we are hoping to know how much pizza to buy. You can call 508-842-0081 ext 5 to register. If you get my voicemail, just leave your NAME, GRADE, PHONE NUMBER (in case of bad weather) and TOWN (This is an open event - meaning even if you don't live in Shrewsbury you can attend!).

Look forward to seeing you all then!

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