I am pleased to announce that we have three very qualified and exceptional candidates who submitted their forms on time in the race for SPLAT president. As previously announced at the last SPLAT meeting, there will be the first and only debate this FRIDAY at 4PM. Come out and show your support for the candidates, and if you’re undecided, learn from them first hand what they have planned in the important role. I am very pleased and relieved at the caliber of the candidates running. I can say honestly that I would be pleased to see any one of the three win. They are all dedicated and able to do the job, and I am certain whoever wins will make a huge positive impact on the Young Adult Department at the SPL.
Here are the candidates and the schedule for the election events.
P________, Anjali – Grade 10 – She describes herself as “organized” and “hardworking.”
R______, Afsha – Grade 9 – She describes herself as “responsible” and “reliable.”
S____, Aditi – Grade 8 – She describes herself as “leader” and “confident.”

Friday, October 22nd at 4PM – SPLAT Debate and ALL GROUPS Meeting
This event will be open to families as well as SPLAT members. The three SPLAT presidential candidates will discuss why they should earn your votes in November. We will also have a brief all groups meeting where we will announce a new volunteer program for SPLAT members. If there was ever a meeting NOT to miss, this would be it!! Again, bring your friends!
Tuesday, November 2nd – VOTING (Drop in anytime from 2:30PM-6PM)
Anyone in grades 5-12 with a valid Shrewsbury Public Library card will be able to vote for the FIRST EVER SPLAT PRESIDENT! The candidates will be on the ballot along with other state and local races. Ballots will be anonymous, but voters may only cast their ballot one time. And then make sure you come to…
Tuesday, November 2nd from 6PM-8PM – THE ELECTION RESULTS PARTY!
Gather around to eat snacks and eagerly await the election results. We will have local election results playing on a television and make the announcement of who the SPLAT president is as soon as the votes are tallied. This event is open to all SPLAT members and their families. The winning candidate will also deliver a short acceptance speech.
All right! That’s quite the update – I really hope it gets to everyone this time!!
Any questions? E-mail me at dbarbour@cwmars.org. (Don’t reply to this e-mail, it doesn’t work!)
Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian