Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Costume Contest

Get your scare on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH by volunteering to be a monster in the Haunted Library program.

Here's the deal -

You know you want to wear your costumes more than one night, and this gives you the perfect chance to show off all the guts one last time. You'll be stationed at a part of the library, and at the appointed time, scare groups of "tourists" on a haunted library expedition. It's going to be a blast. And it gets better. If I can get TEN volunteers or more, I will give one volunteer a $50 Borders gift card. The people who attend the event will vote on which monster they think is the scariest. The person who gets the most votes wins! Tell your friends, and let me know. You need to register your monster in advance with me - this way I know if I need to get the gift card or not!

E-mail me:


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