Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shrewsbury Teens on TV!!


The show will begin by May 5th, and air for at least two weeks.

SPLAT Teen Writing Competition can be seen on SETV channel 29.

Mondays at 8:30pm & 11pm

Tuesdays at 5:20pm

Wednesdays a t 5:52am

Thursdays a t 4:30pm

Fridays at 6:30pm & 10:30pm

Saturdays at 7pm

This show can be seen at these times until May 17th - when voting closes. The show may air after that, but votes will not be accepted. The contestant who gets the most votes will win a $50 Borders gift card. The voting results will not be revealed until the end of the competition, and the winner will be posted here on or around May 20th.

Feel free to forward this to as many people you know in town! Remember, one vote per computer, so it's up to you to get the word out about voting!

I cannot wait to see how it all turns out, so spread the word and happy voting!!

Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian
Shrewsbury Public Library

1 comment:

Christine Chern said...

I didn't get to watch... Is there a way I can watch now without watching on TV? Like a Youtube video or something?

PS. Where were we supposed to vote? People told me to, but I couldn't figure out where to go to vote!