Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Exciting Raffle Basket News!

The winners have been notified and the money has been tallied! SPLAT would like to thank everyone who bought tickets into the annual Fall basket raffle, and to those who helped put the baskets together through various donations. 100% of the money raised goes to teen programs and teen materials in the library.

The total raised, drum roll please.....

Way to go! That money will go a long way in helping the teen department at the SPL!
Look for more baskets to be unveiled this coming spring! If you have any ideas or would like to donate a basket, please e-mail me, Dan Barbour, at dbarbour@cwmars.org.



Anonymous said...
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SPLAT@SPL said...

I delete all of the spam posts that make their way onto this blog. This includes the post above.

- Dan, YA Librarian, Spam-Killer

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