National Library Week (NLW) is right around the corner - April 11th-17th. For this event week, the Shrewsbury Public Library will be doing quite a few special things - and SPLAT is going to be a part of it. Each day SPLAT will have a table in the lobby featuring giveaways and information on SPLAT. One thing we'll be giving away is "I Love My Library" bumper stickers to patrons of all ages! It will be a blast, but I need help - I need volunteers to sit at the booth each afternoon to help promote SPLAT. It will be fun, and everyone who volunteers will be entered in a raffle to win a great prize! I need at least two people at each slot, and you can sign up for more than one time. Every slot you take will earn you one raffle ticket for the prize.
E-mail to sign up for one of the following slots:
Monday 4PM-6PM
Tuesday 4PM-6PM
Wednesday 4PM-6PM
Thursday 3PM-5PM
Friday 3PM-5PM
Saturday 1PM-3PM
You do not have to be an active SPLAT member to help, but you do need to be in grades 5-12. Basically that means if you are a member and want to invite friends to sit with you, feel free!!
"I Love My Library" Youtube Video Contest

If you're in grades 5-12 and live in Shrewsbury, you can enter the "I Love My Library" video contest. The rules are simple - create a video no longer than three minutes long describing why you love your library. You can use a home video camera, web-cam, or any other recording device you have to put something together. You can be funny, serious, crazy...whatever, just remember library staff will vote on their favorite video. If we get at least ten entries, the winning entry will receive....wait for it.... a $50 giftcard to Regal Cinemas sponsored by Fidelity Investments of Shrewsbury! Again, we must receive at least ten qualifying entries for the contest to be held at all, so spread the word. Once you have made your video, you just have to upload it to YouTube, and e-mail the link to me ( along with your name, grade, and phone number. If you have any other questions, just let me know. Submissions are due no later than Sunday, April 11th at midnight.
Summer Reading Kickoff
The summer reading kickoff event is coming this June, and we're having a carnival of sorts in our large meeting room to get things going! We need SPLAT members who can either face paint or come dressed as clowns to help add to the event! If you can help, e-mail me ( Thanks!
Other Event Reminders:
3-Hour Writing Competition - Thursday, April 22nd from 11AM-2PM (Vacation Week) Slots almost full.
Mario Kart Tournament - Friday, April 23rd at 1:30PM (Vacation Week!)
Basket Raffle Update: $205 (raised since 3/11 - $995 to go!)
Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian
Shrewsbury Public Library