If you don't remember or were too busy to notice what the event is, it's a cultural event run by students in grades 5-12. What you need to do is select a country and prepare a booth in our large meeting room to show off that culture. You do not have to be from that country - you just need to research it. Japan, China, and India have been taken so far, but there are plenty more countries to go around!
Prepare things like snacks, music, outfits, and other items to educate visitors on your chosen country. The country team that puts together the best booth as determined by judges will walk away with a great mystery prize valued at $100 thanks to Dunkin Donuts in Shrewsbury.
Like before, we need at least five booths or the event will be canceled. E-mail me to register or stop by the library. If you had signed up before, you have your country reserved - please just confirm with me that you still want to do the event.
**HELP** Below is a poster I designed to promote the event in town. Please print off as many as you can and put them up everywhere!! If you see a spot with ads, ask if this can be put up too! I really would appreciate your help with this, even if you cannot come to the event! Thanks!

Further information below:
Register your country at the library now. There will be only one booth allowed per country, but no limit to the number of people helping at that booth. The first person to sign up for each country will be in charge of that specific booth, but must provide contact information if others want to help them with that country. Participants have to be in grades 5-12, but do not have to be from the country they are representing. Instead, everyone involved in running a booth must be educated about their chosen country. There is no charge for this event, but people running a booth must provide all of the items and materials.
Dan Barbour
Young Adult Librarian
Shrewsbury Public Library
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