Drop in ANYTIME during the month of January to make your way through a maze in hopes of finding the lost city of Atlantis....right here in the library!! Here is the first part of the adventure:
The following is fiction:
Welcome library visitors! You are about to embark on a unique adventure right here
in the library. If you are “in-the-know” on the topic of Greek history, you are well
aware of who Eratosthenes was. For those of you who may not know him, he is the
guy who theorized about many things, including the lost city of Atlantis. A lot of
historians have had ideas about where this ancient city is located - or whether or not it
even exists. Eratothenes however had a team of investigators who thought they discovered the whereabouts of this mythological land. When they unveiled their findings at a “press release” type of event, they concluded the city was located in the Strait of Sicily. There was very little evidence to conclude this though, and the team became the laughing stock of the entire community. What many people didn’t know however is the person doing the talking at the “press release” was Oopsithenes, a philosopher who made many mistakes (this is where the English word “oops” is derived from.) Instead of saying the lost city of Atlantis was in the “Straight of Sicily”, he should have said the city was located in a “Street in Shrewsbury.” The library has compiled a lot of evidence and theories about these findings, and if you choose to continue on we must warn you: There are some evil people hunting for the information that you will seek. Make your decisions wisely along the way, or risk falling into a treacherous trap! So, want to continue on?
Look under the YA Fireplace to make your next move.....
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